A Digital DNA Agency founded in Romania in 2007 and now, 15 years after its launch, Stefanini Infinit has global access to 43 markets and already 3 successful years of partnership as part of the Stefanini Group
Alex Cernatescu and Andrei Cernatescu Co-Founders of Stefanini Infinit https://www.infinitsolutions.ro/, together with Marco Stefanini, founder of the Stefanini Group www.stefanini.com, their partner in Stefanini Infinit.
,,Yes, we have won a number of very interesting clients in the United States, Romania, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and many other parts of the world. This is the primary advantage of the joint venture with the Stefanini group – we have a global presence, which means access and colleagues (over 30,000 ) in markets in over 43 countries. “
Interview by AdPlayers. Iulian Toma

Stefanini Infinit (Infinit Agency) (www.infinitsolutions.ro) started as a digital agency founded in 2007 by brothers Alex Cernatescu and Andrei Cernatescu and in 2019 became part of the Stefanini group following a joint venture, thus becoming Stefanini Infinit.
More details about the joint venture moment, in AdPlayers here, written at that time: http://www.adplayers.ro/articol/Business-6/Joint-venture-Stefanini-Infinit-in-Romania-Export-de -services-of-Romanian-digital-agency-on-the-global-market-6482.html
Fifteen years after its launch and three more since it became part of the Stefanini Group, AdPlayers asked the agency’s founders, brothers Alex Cernatescu and Andrei Cernatescu, about how their industry has changed in recent years but also what interesting observations they have madem, following the joint venture and global coverage it has now, through the Stefanini Group.
The need for strong agencies
In the current reality, brands need strong agencies, with all the sets of inhouse experience but especially with capabilities in the areas of digital production / delivery and data analytics, is one of the conclusions of Alex Cernatescu and Andrei Cernatescu.
Stefanini Infinit is the integrator between the area of strategy, creativity, media, technology, consulting, and data analytics. But let’s see how this happens from their answers below.
Alex Cernatescu and Andrei Cernatescu, the founders of Infinit Agency that became Stefanini Infinit in the Stefanini Group

How has the role of the agency changed following the general changes in the world in the last 3 years?
Alex Cernatescu: “In the current context quite a lot of things have changed but at the same time others have remained unchanged and even strengthened. We believe that the “philosophical” role of the agency has remained the same – to help the client to fulfill his business objectives in a creative way but based on solid data and optimal strategy.”
,,Business is personal, after all”
Alex Cernatescu – CEO, Co-Founder and Global Head of Strategy at Stefanini Infinit:
,,What has changed is how and in what way this role is fulfilled – let me give some details:
Technology has become ubiquitous – it is in any process or project – and also digitization has not only happened to brands and in parallel with consumers – we have new consumer categories that have entered the digital world in the last 3 years – out of need – but then remained there, we have the classic core categories that have expanded massively in what means usage of channels, tools and so on and we have the relationships with the brands that have become more and more intense but also “it’s complicated” at the same time.
So, in short, the agency is here to help, but it must always be up to date with the reality.

As something to add but from another perspective – we feel that the last 3 years have brought us closer to our customers but especially to our team – somehow it is important to know that you can rely on the people around you hard – business is personal after all “ Alex Cernatescu – CEO, Co-Founder and Global Head of Strategy at Stefanini Infinit
,,The role in general is the same that we are here to find effective solutions to business challenges and this is the part that has changed that there are only marketing challenges as there are many businesses” adds Andrei Cernatescu – COO and Co-Founder Stefanini Infinit.
,,The last period has brought accelerated digitization projects in businesses, almost complete changes in both internal and external processes, created by new channels for both sales and communication and all this has generated complex briefs with many stakeholders. “Involved, but fortunately we do great in taking complexity and turning it into simplicity and efficiency.”
“Stronger in terms of our main services”
AdPlayers: Speaking of updates. What has been updated in the range of services in the last 3 years?
,We have become stronger in terms of our basic services – strategy, creative, digital media / performance, social media and we have taken it to another level – together with our partners from Stefanini – the area of digital production, development and so on.” says Alex Cernatescu.
,,Basically imagine that we have a very powerful creative and strategic engine, based on data and then huge capabilities on digital delivery. Sounds good right?”
Alex Cernatescu
“We have always kept the vision of being a very strong integrator of creation and technology so that businesses can find the complete solution for their briefs today. I would add that although it is not easy, magic comes out after NERDS & CREATIVES play together in our group.”
adds Andrei Cernatescu, COO & Co-Founder Stefanini Infinit
Andrei Cernatescu, COO & Co-Founder Stefanini Infinit
,,With the upgraded services that Alex talked about, we have updated some of our processes too, we have further optimized the workflows and we are constantly learning from the international work experience that we later implement locally”
Andrei Cernatescu, COO & Co-Founder Stefanini Infinit
New clients, besides Romania, from the United States, Germany, UK, Holland and in many other areas of the world

AdPlayers: Did the new territories bring you new clients?
,,Yes, we have won a number of very interesting clients in the United States, Romania, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and many other parts of the world. This is the primary advantage of the joint venture with the Stefanini group – we have a global presence, which means access and colleagues (over 30,000) in markets in over 43 countries. We have a series of news and victories that we will announce publicly in the next few months, but only after we consult with our international partners. It is not easy to communicate in almost 50 markets.
Our goal is to focus on customers who have stayed with us for years. Here is one of the key secrets to our growth. It’s good to have new customers, and we have, but our focus has always been to deliver quality and keep our customers winning and growing. We proudly kept most accounts with which we entered the pandemic over 9 out of 10 of the brands, we even grew the business with them and varied it, along with our team of course. We sincerely thank them for this and for their trust.”
continued Alex Cernatescu.
“Yes, it is a great joy every time we win a new client, especially because it demonstrates the team’s skills. But the successful mid-long-term strategy for us was to focus on the relationship with current customers and even more so when they go through less glorious periods and at the same time on the “health” of our team from all points of view.
Stefanini Infinit is a TEAM and to be a performance it must have peace, homogeneity, and clarity. They are the ones who make a difference on the field and all the merits are theirs. ”
Emphasizes Andrei Cernatescu.
AdPlayers: What notable differences between the markets you are active in have you noticed?
,,The differences are less in number than the similarities but they are very large and structural. “Alex Cernatescu thinks.
,,We have markets that do things much better, more settled, with a longer deadline but are not so quick to adopt new ones – from new ideas to new technologies. Some basically give in to novelty and innovation to gain predictability.” says CEO Stefanini Infinit.
,,It’s true, the last 3 years have not given much chance of predictability and then somehow everyone has been in new territories. Another major and most important difference – RATE CARDS / PROJECT VALUE! It is a major difference in the appreciation of agency work, consulting, strategy, added value, etc. in many other countries vs. Romania.”
“We could keep more people in the country and bring some back and not just in our field “
,,We can blame many things, but it is certain that the rates are 4-6 times higher in other countries, and this allows you to make different business decisions. I will leave it here with this detail, but I am sure that if the rates and budgets would increase more in our country, we could keep more people in the country and bring some back. Attention – I do not mean only our field – it is a general observation”
says Alex Cernatescu.
Alex Cernatescu, at one of the United States headquarters, in Detroit, presenting during the North America kick-off
,,Personally, I noticed a very interesting dynamic with clients from other countries. As a 15-year managerial observation in digital services, many things learned with local clients, working side by side with them were super appreciated outside when I applied them and vice versa. We function as a hub that changes the experience between territories for the benefit of all. ‘’
is thinking the Romanian founder of the agency.

,, I think it is extraordinary and it is a great advantage to be both an independent agency and part of such a large group so we take full advantage of it. I can already proudly say that what we estimated a few years ago is a reality now that we Romanians can do international projects and most of the time it is better and faster that this local market has taught us”
adds Andrei Cernatescu.
Hybrid work schedule. They work both from the office and from home.
AdPlayers. How do you position yourself in “work from home”, post-pandemic? What does Stefanini Infinit’s work schedule look like?
,,We have a hybrid work schedule – that is, we work from home and from the office – varying the proportions and depending on the type of job. We built the new reality together with our people and now we are ok with what came out.”
Says Andrei Cernatescu
AdPlayers. What does the perfect organizational culture look like in Stefanini Infinit’s vision?
,,I made a statement a year after the pandemic began – companies that had a strong organizational culture withstood much better than those that did not. The pandemic simply amplified what was there in any company. Some tightened their ranks, others fell apart – faster or slower. We believe that in services, organizational culture is the cornerstone of any company and is the most important thing for us. We build it every day with our colleagues, we fight the challenges that arise together, and we move on.”
says Alex Cernatescu.
Andrei Cernatescu: “Having a background in sports, for me the team is the main element in everything we do”
,,Having a background in sports for me, the team is the main element in everything we do, especially in business. If you add understanding and common sense to this, you already have an idea of how I see things related to organizational culture. Trust is the most important thing, and it is obtained through facts, actions, and results “adds Andrei Cernatescu about the importance of the team.
,, Personally, I don’t believe in perfect organizational culture and classic HR and LinkedIn textbooks – but rather in people who “make/define the place” and we just need to know how to help them grow and trust them. In other words, to be by their side when they need to and to feel appreciated. The magic of organizational culture appears after “
We are in an “open world on exploration mode.” ( Gaming Reference )
AdPlayers: Future plans?
,,For those who know, we are in an “open world on exploration mode.” It is very important to continue building, to explore new opportunities, to learn and apply – both in Stefanini Infinit and in the Stefanini Group, with colleagues both directly and from other units or ventures and to have the strongest team. global that will allow us to solve any kind of brief or challenge. ”
Continued the COO, Andrei Cernatescu.
,,A comparison that I really like is the difference between a cruise ship and an exploration ship – the first is based on predetermined routes and clear programs, the second is based on crew – when you have no maps and you are in new territory (which it’s the new reality – I was really saying that the new reality means a new reality every day) then you look at the crew and if you have a crew with which you can face any challenge of both the agency and the agency’s clients then you will be fine no matter what “
concludes Alex Cernatescu
,,We want to go forward with our blend of end-to-end offering / one-stop-shop, to help clients in a complete way – with the help of our group – that is from consulting, strategy, creative services, digital transformation, digital media, performance to the area of digital delivery advanced and internal communication or change management. We are a strong, experienced partner, who has demonstrated stability and strength in both good and bad times”
concluded CEO Stefanini Infinit.
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