Bucuresti Mall
social experiment launched on Valentine’s Day by Bucharest Mall – Vitan and Stefanini Infinit
In recent years, Valentine’s Day has become a custom celebrated by more and more Romanians and this time we wanted to shift perspective on the festival of love.
Romantic choices are primarily formed on visual stimuli. In the era of dating apps, it only takes a second to judge and accept or reject a potential partner, leaving communication and emotion secondary in our selection process. #JudgeLessSeeMore
Together with Bucharest Mall – Vitan we wanted to bring to light the sincere emotion that is formed when we look beyond appearances and listen with an open heart to the person in front of us. So, we invited three people with wonderful stories through the Association of the Blind in Romania to participate in a meeting in the dark.
We also invited three influencers from the fashion, news and beauty industry to a special ‘date’. None of them knew they would be on the other side. When the light went off a real chemistry formed, a sincere conversation which continued even after the light came on.

Team Testimonials
"Despre ce este căutarea dragostei în ziua de azi? Despre un unghi bun, un beauty effect și o secundă de judecată pe prima imagine după care dăm swipe? Dating-ul modern a ajuns să fie controlat instinctual de o mișcare de deget, lipsită de emoții profunde sau de conexiune. Sigur toți suntem ființe vizuale, alegem să intrăm într-un magazin dacă ne place ce vedem în vitrină, nu? Dar când vine vorba de oameni am vrut să aducem substanța unei prime întâlniri în care vizualul și aspectul fizic au fost eliminate, un moment în care importante nu sunt aparențele, ci esența."
Ruxandra Matache
Group Creative Director, Stefanini Infinit
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